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This page defines the stakeholders’ identification format, criteria for stakeholder identification, and lists the identified stakeholders.


Each stakeholder will be presented in the following format:

  • Title: A short, recognizable title for the stakeholder.
  • Overview: A brief summary detailing who the stakeholder is or what role they play.
  • Goals: The primary objectives the stakeholder hopes to achieve with respect to the system.
  • Interest: An assessment of the stakeholder’s level of interest in the project outcomes. This can be categorized (e.g., High, Medium, Low) according to later explanation.
  • Power: An assessment of the stakeholder’s ability to affect project decisions or outcomes. This can be categorized (e.g., High, Medium, Low) according to later explanation.

Criteria for Identification

Stakeholders are identified and included in this list when:

  • They MUST have a direct or indirect interest or stake in the system.
  • They SHOULD have specific high-level objectives or interests that the system aims to address.
  • They MAY be individuals, groups, or entities, internal or external to the project.

Interest Rating

Interest reflects influence of the project results on the stakeholders.

  1. No Interest. No stake in the project’s outcome; indifferent to project results.
  2. Minimal Interest. Has a slight stake or curiosity but is not significantly affected by the project’s outcome.
  3. Low Interest. Has some stake in the project but is not a primary beneficiary or impacted party.
  4. Moderate Interest. Regularly engages with the project and its outcomes, but not a major driving force or beneficiary.
  5. High Interest. Has a significant stake in the project’s outcome; can be greatly affected by the project’s success or failure.
  6. Absolute Interest. Entirely dependent on the project’s success; project outcomes can have critical consequences for them.

Power Rating

Power rating is a measure of influence on decision making process.

  1. No Power. Cannot sway or inform any decisions related to the project.
  2. Minimal Power. Can provide minor insights or feedback but generally overlooked in decision-making.
  3. Low Power. Can offer valuable input and might occasionally affect choices, but typically in collaboration with stronger influencers.
  4. Moderate Power. Regularly consulted for opinions or advice; their insights often shape decisions, though not always.
  5. High Power. Their opinions and feedback are highly sought after; they play a pivotal role in guiding decisions, with only a few exceptions.
  6. Absolute Power. Their perspective is paramount; when they speak, the decision-makers listen intently and often follow their guidance.

Identified Stakeholders


    title Power and Interest Grid
    x-axis Interest
    y-axis Power

    quadrant-1 Monitor Closely
    quadrant-2 Keep Satisfied
    quadrant-3 Monitor
    quadrant-4 Keep Informed

    Site Owner: [0.8, 0.9]
    Visitor: [0.8, 0.4]
    Professional Network: [0.6, 0.6]
    Learners: [0.6, 0.4]
    Search Engines: [0.4, 0.8]
    Hostings: [0.2, 0.8]
    Third-party Devs: [0.4, 0.2]

Intentionally Unaddressed Stakeholders

This clause defines considered stakeholders, however, not addressed as part of this document.

The site is intended to have a single contributor in order to be demonstration of skills, knowledge and experience. External contributions are not expected at the moment of the decision.